AU-68 サーメージビュー用ブラックワイヤー、サーメージハンドピース改良用
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7月 17, 2017

AU-68 サーメージビュー用ブラックワイヤー、サーメージハンドピース改良用

For the handpiece of AU-68 thermage machine, one of our customer compared two wires, he feedback the thermage reviews for us.

Hi Justin,

I can’t take a photo of the break because it is the cable with broken wires inside. It’s not visible from the outside, but it can be measured with a voltmeter when testing each pin (hence each wire) of the connector. When this happens the result is that the hand piece doesn’t shoot anymore when triggering the trigger.

Reason why this happens (it’s by the way very similar to the hand piece of old-days office wired-phones): the operator takes the hand-piece out of the tray and does shots. After finished, the operator puts the hand-piece back into the the tray. However, when taking it from the tray, the operator turns the hand piece (unknowingly) for example by 180°C anti-clock-wise. Then when putting it back into the tray, again the operator turns the handpiece unknowingly by 180°C anti-clock-wise. So this adds up to a full turn of 360°. And so it continues everytime the operator provides a treatment to someone. Until the handpiece cable is so many times turned that the thin wires inside the cable would break (or crack). That’s when we get phone calls from customers complaining the handpiece doesn’t  work anymore. We then have to replace the cable in order to fix the “gun”. Anyways, the way it is designed right now, none of the handpieces can last longer than a few months as the cables don’t seem to be strong enough.

So as you see I can’t take a photo because the wires break inside the cable and we don’t know where (I guess it is usually around 5 cm below the hand piece). Also it is normally only 1 of 4 wires inside that is broken (tested with voltmeter).

Right now we replace the stock cable with a more robust cable already before shipping a new AU68 to our customers. We hope this is going to improve the situation but we need to wait for long term results. But what we really hope mid-term is that this issue can be fixed by you so that this sort of problems can be reduced to a minimum.

Besides, we think that the new handpiece with the very thick cable that you supplied to us 1 month ago together with the white applicators may be better and much more robust. You should seriously consider it. By the way, this new thick cable looks great and in my humble opinion upvalues the AU-68. It makes it look more professional, almost medical.

Attached: photo of the new-type hand piece with thick cable that you have supplied about one month ago. (unfortunately not anymore in the latest AU-68 order)

Best regards,


Photos: we like that super thick sleek-looking cable.

thermage reviews

whereas this cable solution (below) doesn’t work because too weak (and also cheap looks):thermage


