機械のマザーボードを細くする AU-800S EMS の電子筋肉刺激は指示を取り替えます
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機械のマザーボードを細くする AU-800S EMS の電子筋肉刺激は指示を取り替えます

機械のマザーボードを細くする AU-800S EMS の電子筋肉刺激は指示を取り替えます

Tool: screwdriver

Material :metal

keyword:EMS Electronic muscle stimulation EMS Electronic muscle stimulation slimming machine mother board beaty machine,slimming machine, mother board

The EMS slimming machine may damage during doing treatment after months or years, and our customers are not engineer, they dont know how to do after receive our new mother board. some one may ask the engineer to help, and they charged more than 50usd for the job.

Today i will show you how to replace the mother board, it is easy and need the screwdriver only. as the following photos, step by step.


